Aerial of botanic garden

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After 15 months of assessment by Ecotourism Australia, in November 2021 the Coffs Coast was recognised as NSW’s first Certified ECO Destination. Something we can all be proud of, and something we’d love you to share.

What does this mean for visitors?
ECO certification takes the hard work out of finding genuine nature-based experiences and ecotourism operators. So that when it’s time for a Coffs Coast eco-adventure, visitors know they’re choosing the real deal. Explore deeply and tread lightly… travel for good.

What does this mean for our community?
Caring for our environment and our culture are two of the values the Coffs Coast community holds close to its heart. ECO certification means we’ve done the work to measure how we are doing… and we’re globally recognised for preserving our natural beauty, being culturally authentic and acting sustainably.

What does this mean for your business?
The Coffs Coast is attracting visitors interested in genuine, high-quality nature-based experiences. They spend more, stay longer and tread lightly. Being a certified ECO Destination is a genuine competitive advantage for our beautiful region… and on the Coffs Coast, sustainable tourism is good for everybody’s business!

Join the celebration!
Get your easy-to-use digital toolkit and share the good news.

Open the Coffs Coast ECO Toolkit (on Dropbox) to read instructions, find messaging to ‘copy and paste’, get links to YouTube videos to share on social media or your website, plus a selection of images to download and share – you can even place your own picture in the ECO frame to share.