Learn more about the fascinating world of the oceans. From shipwrecks to nudibranchs, members of the public are invited to attend our Marine Discovery Series Lectures. The MDS lectures are held every three months (first Thursday of the month) at the Solitary Islands Aquarium starting at 6pm. The events are free of charge and no bookings are required.
This initiative is run by Southern Cross University’s National Marine Science Centre.
Upcoming lectures
Date: 5 December 2024 starting at 6pm
“The solution to pollution is not dilution: Keeping our waterways and seafood healthy”
Guest Speaker: Professor Kirsten Benkendorff
Australia is typically portrayed as having clean seafood and pristine waters. But most sources of pollution are invisible, and contaminants are not routinely monitored. Over the last two decades, the use of pesticides in Australia has increased by 255% – well above the world average. Pesticides, including herbicides, insecticides and fungicides are used for a range of agricultural and urban applications and can enter waterways through spray drift, surface run-off after rain and in groundwater.
Our sampling along the north coast NSW has revealed a range of toxic pesticides in water, sediment, oysters, crabs and turtles. We have also found hotspots of faecal bacteria in some estuaries. Managing these problems is complex due to multiple point sources and a lack of accountability for downstream effects. Professor Benkendorff will discuss these problems and some potential solutions for keeping our waterways and seafood safe and healthy.